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Do Music Producers Need To Know How To Play A Musical Instrument?The topic of this article is "Do I need to know how to play an instrument to be a competent music producer?" I guess the answer to this question in short is that you do not necessarily need to know how to play a musical instrument to be a great music producer. There are many examples of people who have produced fantastic music who don't really know anything about playing an instrument fully in a live form. Now that being said, it is really an asset to know how to be able to play an instrument. If you have the opportunity to learn how to do that or if that's something you already have as a skill, it can be an advantage. We even see a lot of people who are very successful producers who are multi-instrumentalists, which means they can play more than one type of musical instrument. It often depends on which genre of music you're working in and what your goals are. If you're working in a genre where there is going to be a lot of live instrumentation that either you're required to produce, or other people that you work with will be producing while you record them, it's really beneficial to have an idea of what these people are doing. This allows you to effectively communicate with them during the recording process. Even if you're not the one playing an instrument, it really helps to have some of the same language and vernacular so you can communicate properly and get the best possible performance and recording. It is possible to do that without knowing how to play the instrument they're playing, but if you have the knowledge of how to play some sort of an instrument it will give you a little bit more of an edge in terms of being able to communicate effectively with them.

In other genres of music, sometimes people who are simply producing instrumental hip-hop beats or instrumental electronica for example, it may be quite unnecessary to have traditional playing skills and it might be much more about your ability to manipulate software, sequence MIDI, edit audio and MIDI and just conceive where the song is going using these digital tools. There are genres of music that are definitely more suited to having no real traditional music theory training and playing ability. We see people who are traditional instrumentalists and people who have no instrumental skills often succeeding in these genres as well. In a nutshell, while the ability to play an instrument is definitely an asset in the music production process, for increasingly many styles of music it is not something that is an absolute requirement. Even more organic styles of music in some cases can be created with a lot of the powerful digital tools we have if you know how to use those tools and if you have a really good artistic vision of where you want to take a piece of music. At the end of the day if you know where you want to get with a piece of music you're creating and you understand enough about the music production process, it's amazing the types of organic or synthetic textures you can create regardless or whether or not you can play an instrument. That is a possible thing to do now days that wasn't possible 20 or 30 years ago. The great thing about this is everyone can participate. It's open and available to everyone now days, but you must know what you're doing with your music, where you're going with it and you must have a solid understanding of the tools used today.

Audio Engineer SchoolsHow To Be A Music ProducerSchools For Music Production

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